During the canonization process of Don Bosco, a cardinal objected saying, ‘When did Don Bosco pray? The answer of the pope was a counter question, When did he not Pray? Most people know Don Bosco as a ‘Man of Activity’. The mere look at the life of Don Bosco reveals one side that he did always work. But, the fact is that there is the other side ‘Holiness’ to Don Bosco. The holiness of Don Bosco was characterized by his perfect example of contemplative in action, apostolic interior life, pastoral zeal and loving kindness. The holiness of Don Bosco became crystal clear in his undertaking of works, in his zeal for winning souls for Christ, in his sprit of sacrifice, humility, simplicity, love for purity and poverty, continuous union with God and in his unlimited service to the poor and abandoned youngsters. The holiness of Don Bosco is certain because many of his pupils reached the height of sanctity. The words of Philip Rinaldi, proves the above point, “Let the Holiness of sons be the proof of the holiness of their father.” His oratories had become factories of saints. Don Bosco started a school of sanctity, he created in Valdocco an environment where sanctity could blossom. It started with Saint Dominic Savio and there were numerous other members and boys. Don Bosco is holy not because of the practice of the way of life through consecration but spirit with which he lived his consecration. The holiness of Don Bosco is marked by; 1) holiness sprang from his ordinary life 2) holiness sprang from his consecration 3) holiness sprang from his union with God.
Holiness Sprang from His Ordinary Life
Don Bosco was an ordinary, simple but profound person. He never did anything extraordinary in his life but he did everything with extraordinary zeal. The incident of Don Bosco with Dominic Savio is worth remembering. Dominic Savio desired to become a saint. He was mortifying himself with all the extraordinary means to become a saint. Don Bosco knew it and summoned for Dominic Savio. Don Bosco gave him a golden advice to become saint, ‘Do ordinary things of life in an extraordinary way.’ This advice brought about a total transformation in the life of Dominic Savio. Don Bosco was an ordinary priest who himself a full-time priest, even in his dreams and in his sleep, a priest in the confessional and when he celebrates mass, a priest with his boys in the playground and at his desk when he writes books or answers his correspondence, a priest when he travels or preaches or sits at the table of a benefactor. He is above all a priest with intimate conviction that he is an instrument in the hands of God. He distinguished himself by his zealous apostolate among the poor young with the motto, “Give me Souls and take away the rest.” In whole of his life, he never worked for his own glory, popularity and self-love but did everything for the love of God. It is this motivation that pushed him to practice brotherly charity by working for the salvation of the young. In a word, ‘He did everything for the glory of God.’
Holiness Sprang from His Consecration
Don Bosco was fully convinced that his consecration was a response to the call of God. Through the consecration he willingly dedicated himself totally to him and he sacrificed his whole life. His consecration was not to command but to practice charity towards neighbour for love of God, not to live in comfort and ease but to be poor with Jesus Christ, to suffer with Him on earth and to become worthy of his glory in heaven. He made the world of the young his own through his consecration. He placed himself totally in the hands of God and worked totally for the salvation of the whole world. He lived a simple yet a profound life as a sign of poverty, committed and worked always to fulfil the will of God as a sign of obedience, manifested unconditional love to all as a sign of Chastity. His consecration can be summarized in the statement, “He said no word, and he took up no task that was not directed to Salvation of Youth.”He was a consecrated person through his work and union with God.
Holiness Sprang from His Union with God
Don Bosco was attracted to God as iron is attracted to the magnet. He cultivated this aspect of holiness from his childhood. In other words, holiness was his childhood dream. The words of Mamma Margaret to Johnny Bosco ‘God Sees You’ left an indelible impression in the whole life of Don Bosco. Although, Don Bosco was devoured by the flame of external activity, he rooted himself in the source of that activity. Even in the inexhaustible activity, he always longed for prayer and for conversation with God. He strongly believed that he was always in continuous union with God. The whole life of Don Bosco was marked, dominated and possessed by God. God has conquered the soul of Don Bosco to accomplish his own work on earth. In a word, “Union with God is the breath of the life of Don Bosco.”
Don Bosco, the saint- that is what should inspire us. He is no more with us but he left a great legacy; a legacy of love, a legacy of apostolic zeal, a legacy of fidelity to God, and a legacy of contemplative in action, a legacy of working for the Salvation of Souls. Thus, Don Bosco becomes a model of holiness.