Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flying Fest

In the state of Maharastra, the month of January is the best season of flying kites. Everybody irrespective of their age, sex, status fly the kites with utmost enthusiasm and happiness. While flying the kites, everyone tries to soar high. However, high the kite is, the master of the Kite never loses the sight of kite. The kite is always under his/her control. The kite soars high, directed by purpose as long as it is the hands of the master. It enjoys real freedom within the hands of its master. The moment it is by itself, it flies without direction. It is not sure, where it is soaring and when it reaches its end.
Flying kite is not just a game. It reflects for me human life. Thus, a life game. In order to soar high in life, we need to place ourselves in the hands of people who can be a light for us in the moment of darkness. These people may be either friends, teaches, spiritual director, or even life partner. However high we reach in life, we should never lose the sight of our destination, our goal. Consequently, we should never forget the roots where we came from. Once we forget, we reach nowhere although it appears to be reaching somewhere.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Options

Human life is set on earth in such a way that it has no choice except to live with options. In other words, human life is characterized by options. According to me, there are two options: Fundamental and Spontaneous Options. The former is an option chosen out of reason and will which will eventually lead to happiness. This option does not make life a bed of roses. Rather, it is a mixture of good and bad, joy and sorrow, love and hate, life and death. The fundamental option helps one to live within these tensions so that it will contribute to the holistic and healthy development of the individual. The later is chosen out of instinct. It is seeking for momentary pleasures, temporary happiness. It guarantees happiness but for a short time. This option makes human being always to crave for something more in life just as animals and birds.
There is good and bad, superior and inferior in the above options. Interestingly, human being has the capacity and power to choose either of the options as per mood, mode and context of life. In other words, human life is a mixture of fundamental and spontaneous options. As for me, this is healthy. The real danger is when a person solely opts for the spontaneous option all the time no matter what the context demands. 

Old and New

Every reality that comes into the world, in the course of time, undergoes change in its being, functioning and relating. Every reality is made up of matter and form. The new becomes old in the course of its existence. The newness loses its value if it does not become old. No reality can escape from becoming old. In other words, the moment reality enters the world; it is already in the process of becoming old. When the being becomes old, it becomes new again taking different form but matter remaining the same. It is form that makes something new. For example, a new born child is new. The child is new because of the form he/she had taken but matter is of the parents. His parents are old. In the course of time, the child becomes old.
There is always a conflict between old and new; the older times, people, generation was good and always blame the new. The old has no capacity to fit into the new whereas new has capacity to fit into the world. For example, the computer science is growing rapidly. Every year, there are new softwares coming into the market. The 2007 windows cannot be functioning in 2003 windows but it can function vice-versa. New is actually the modification and renovation of the old. The real fun is when old is able to fit into the new and when the new craves for the old.
What is seriously going on here? I am simply saying that which is new becomes old and that which old becomes new. It is circular and continuous flow in the world. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mission of Life

God, the creator and life-giver, sends every human being into the world with a unique and specific mission. Thus, every human being has a mission in this world. The greatness of human being lies in the realization of his/her own mission. The task of every human being is to accomplish his/her mission irrespective of weakness, obstacles and infirmities. It is the greatest realization to come into knowledge that no human being is perfect and they in turn become perfect in the course of accomplishing their mission. A physically challenged person proves to the world that when God closes one door, He opens another door. A sinful person shows to the world that God takes to the deep waters not to drown but to purify.  A perfect human being brings to the world, the goodness of God.
Everyday we wake up with a mission; mission to be sensitive, compassionate, generous, loving, happy, bringing joy to others … These missions are unending. 

Few Make Difference

Many are born, only few become saints
Many people live life, only few live with difference
Many love, only few become love
Many talk, only few speak and listen
Many are happy, only few know the meaning of happiness
Many are dead, only few are remembered after death
Many make mistakes; only few realize and accept their mistakes
Many laugh at other, only few laugh at themselves
Many help, only few help without acceptation
Many dream, only few achieve their dreams
Many act, only few reflect
Many know, only few become wise



It is a name. Just a name. But, reflecting deeply on that name ‘Jesus,’ I discovered that this name is caught up in the chain of words. It signifies life, death, suffering, persecution, wonder, happiness, compassion, mercy, love, wonder, source of inspiration, service, justice, dedication, discrimination, contentment and it goes unending. Never in the history of the world, no name has inspired so many thousands of people to offer their lives for the marginalized and is still in the process of motivating and continues till the end of the world.
The world indeed was very fortunate to have person called ‘Jesus’ for thirty three years on this earth, two thousand years ago. It is this name that still urges people of different ages, races, classes to serve people of the world in spite of persecution and suffering. The name ‘Jesus’ will never wipe out from the heart of the world and especially from the human heart. As long as human race exists, the name ‘Jesus’ lives on…………..