Even before Nehru, Jesus Christ loved children. In fact every human being is a child of God. Jesus said, “ Let the little Children come to me.” This day must be celebrated to bring the child within each one of us. Here are some inspiring thoughts that will makes us dear to children and at the same time brings out the child from inside us.
one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity
hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to
unlock that treasure. - Emma Goldman
best way to make children good is to make them happy. - Oscar WildeWe
cannot fashion our children after our desires,
we must have them and love them as God has given them to us. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
So long as little children are allowed to suffer, there is no true love in this
world. – IsadoraDuncan
A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities
of virtue and vice- but as yet unstained. - Lyman Abbott
A child miseducated is a child lost. - John F. Kennedy
A child miseducated is a child lost. - John F. Kennedy
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility
and the wings of independence.” - Denis Waitley