A great philosopher once said, human being is born free but is chained everywhere. Every human being from the depth of heart desires to be free. The freedom is often thought to choose or do what one feels and wants. But freedom is to come to realization of one ’s self and at the same time accept ones own limitations as much as strengths. In other words, “Freedom is enjoyed within the limits’.

Freedom To: It is the capacity of a person to act according to his wishes and carry out duties and responsibilities. Here, one may or may not fulfill the obligations expected of him. If the person wishes to take drugs is free to take. It is out of one’s choice but may lead to bad consequences.
Freedom For: This is an important aspect of freedom. It is committing oneself totally and wholly to the purpose and also works to make that purpose a reality. It is fully flows from the love for oneself and to the whole society.
Freedom With: The act of freedom is not an independent act. My actions out of freedom affect another as we are living in society. I become free and my freedom is accepted as long as I respect the other. Thus, human being becomes free when he is able to work in harmony with other human beings.
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