The psychology did not emerge as a separate science until the late 1800s, although its earliest history can be traced back to the time of early Greeks. Psychology as a separate science utilizes scientific methodologies to study and draw conclusions about human thought and behaviour which are conscious and unconscious. In other words, the psychologists are at war between conscious and unconscious pattern of behaviour.
Some psychologists especially William James agree that the human being is what he/she is due to his conscious action. Then, it involves always a choice and negation. When human being is conscious, he/she chooses the convinced behaviour to behave in such and such a way. In other words, I know what I am doing when I am doing. But psychology adds to it a little further and says how a mind works in the living of actual desired behaviour.

In conclusion, what I believe is, it is ultimately human being who creates his/her life consciously and thus it is always a choice of desired needs. In as much as the choices in life are made consciously, the behaviour of human being is convinced behaviour springing from the heart but in combination with the head. At the end, I believe in a psychology that makes human being aware of his/her own actions.
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