Human being is born in the world. Life is given to human being. It depends on each human being to further and enhance life by committing to the responsibilities. The fulfillment of responsibilities demands that every human should cultivate three types of relationship: Going-Above (God), Going-Across (Others) and Going-Down (Self).
Going-Across (Others): Human being is not alone in this universe. He is always with somebody in the society. It calls for dependence with other human beings. It is a dependence that gives meaning to life. The relationship with the others is furthered by acts of love, solidarity, oneness, sensitivity, compassion.
Going-Down (Self): The human being cannot have a healthy relationship with God and other unless he/she cultivates a strong love for one’s own self. It is the greater task and this relationship reflects who actually one is. The relationship with the self is enhanced by taking care of the body, loving self inspite of weakness, acceptance of the self.
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