Saturday, June 30, 2012

Religion- the Raison D’ être of Humanity

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Is religion a raison d’être of humanity? It is certainly ‘Yes.’ The Bible declares in the book of Genesis, “God made human in his own image and likeness and also found him good.” In other words, it clearly tells that “God is part of human and Human is part of God.” God had done His part and this is a happy occasion but here comes the need for man to connect himself to God, the Creator, the part of his/her life. Human’s thirst for God is quenched only through religion. It sustains man in his/her desire to reach God and thus religion becomes raison d’etre of humanity.

            Religion had its roots in the heart of human being for ever-evolving and ever emerging desire to connect oneself to God and thus becomes the founder of Relgion of God. Religion etymologically derived from Greek word ‘Ligare’ means to bind together. It binds together ‘God and Man’ collapsing the borders between Godliness and Humanness when God took the form of human being and thus made everyone a child of God giving an invitation to every human being to become God like people

            What is the reason for being a human and not an animal? What is the reason for being a human and not a plant? Why should one be human and not anything else in this entire macrocosm? All these questions make us contemplate on the purpose of God in creating human being in His own image and likeness. Everything has come into the world with a plan and purpose designed by God. In this entire world only the human being has the ability and desire to know God and His purpose. This is uniqueness of human being because where as other beings do not long for this desire and they get satisfied with instinct-fulfilment and not bothering about their inner longing. Human being

            Animals, plants and so many other beings has life and grow physically, intellectually, psychologically, emotionally but not having the capacity for spiritual life and expression. Thus, they just remain ‘beings’ and not beings in the process of becoming. On the other hand human being grows physically, intellectually, psychologically, emotionally and also has capacity to feel and express him/herself fully and because of this, he/she is not just being but a Transcendent Being  in the process of becoming. This aspect of human being is perfected in Religion in his desire to quench the thirst for God. Therefore, religion became, becomes and will become a tool, an instrument in the hands of man to reach God.

Religion becomes the Raison D’être of Humanity:

Ø      When one realizes that religion means not being with God but becoming God
Ø      When one thinks that religion must exist for the purpose of transforming and reconciling people
Ø      When one comes to awareness that religion does not just exist but must be lived in daily life
Ø      When one believes that one’s faith in God is sustained and increased only through religion
Ø      When one knows that religion is part and parcel of human life
Ø      When one accepts religion without eliminating it
Ø      When one recognizes that existence becomes meaningless without religion
Ø      When one allows oneself to be taught by religion
Ø      When one experiences life as religion and religion as life
Ø      When one looks at religion as the way to reach God
Ø      When one embraces religion to show love for people
Ø      When one adorns oneself with the values of religion to give God to Human
Ø      When one professes that religion is life-giver

In conclusion, life is a gift and a vocation to human being from God and since it is a gift, it must be handled with respect, care and in a responsible way to make our life in turn an offering to God, an offering that life meaningful. This desire of human being comes to fulfilment in Religion alone and one can offer his life back to God through religion. Thus, offering this possibility to human being, Religion becomes the Raison D’être of Humanity.

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