Albert Einstein, the great Scientist the world has ever produced,
has this to say on Religion and Science, “Science as a spiritual path, a way of
finding the secrets of the Old one.” Every advance in science must lead to the
spiritual knowledge of God. Science must help human beings to reach the
ultimate of our life.
is powerful autonomous structure created by man for his need to quench the
thirst for God and to find the God within. Therefore, religion became,
becomes and will become a tool in the hands of man to reach God. Science is the
powerful monster in the present world whose strength is benefit to humanity at
the same time also dangerous to humanity if not properly handled. I define
science as “A branch of human knowledge
that discovers new microcosms from the old microcosms through recycling the raw
material of God by the use of human practical intelligence.”
Relationship between Religion and Science
- Religion is being with God and Science is being with the World
- Religion Saves and Science Heals
- Religion is revolution of God and Science is the product of man
- Religion is God-centred and Science is World-centred
- Religion gives suffering then comfort and Science gives comfort then suffering
- Religion is qualitative transformation and Science is quantitative transformation
- Religion proposes Eternal Truth and Science proposes Generalized Truth
- Religion aims at transformation and Science aims at giving information
- Religion deals with spiritual realities and Science deals with material realities
- Religion is a tool to understand God and Science is a tool to understand Universe
- Religion is a progress of what went before, what is going on now and what will happen in the future and Science is only progress of what went before
- Religion is abode of peace, joy, and happiness and science is abode of fear
- Human being needs Religion and Science needs Human being
- Religion is capable of refining people and Science is capable of further refinement
- Religion builds up moral consciousness and Science builds up material consciousness
- Religion unites us to God and Science unites us to world
- Religion is Spiritual trouble-shooter and Science is Material trouble-shooter
- Religion is answer to many questions and Science is answer to many problems
- Religion is lived and Science is practiced
- Religion is the purpose to arrive at and Science is the goal to achieve
- Religion is always life-giver and Science life-taker
- Religion forgives and Science never forgives

In conclusion,
religion with its spiritual development and science with its scientific develop
must serve the world to have a better understanding of God’s purpose. They both
must make a journey from interdisciplinary to transdisciplinary to give
holistic formation through constant dialogue.
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