Love manufactures a human being who is capable of caring for the other in an unrestricted manner. It is the willingness to extend oneself fully to the other. The Oxford dictionary defines it as an intense feeling of deep affection. Love makes everything possible. The love that a person has knows no limit to offer oneself in sacrifice for the betterment and the growth of the other and the self.

Ignoring is a conscious attitude of uncaring, unloving, and unwanted of the other. In other words, it is being indifferent towards the other. It does not offer possibilities to love. It resists opening the door of the heart for the other. Mother Teresa terms this as “greatest disease” that human being can get affected with. The only medicine available for this cure is to change the attitude of indifference with love. This attitude must emerge from the heart and not from the mind of the person.
You could change the word 'Ignorance' into ignoring. both the terms are different. You seem to be speaking about ignoring rather than ignorance. Remember you have followers who read your blog, do not kindly mislead them...........