What is the nature of Nature? In explaining the nature of Nature, I would like to explain the nature of two other people in relation to nature of Nature. The two people about whom I want discuss are God and Human Being.
God: The nature of God is that He always forgives as said rightly “God gives and forgives”. He never says ‘No’ to the Human Being who asks Him for forgiveness. But each religion has different expression of asking the God for forgiveness. To quote examples, people of Hinduism immerse themselves in the holy waters of Ganges, people of Christianity go for Confession, and people of Islam make an annual pilgrimage to Mecca. All these are not just rituals, but people strongly believe that their sins are forgiven after the ritual because of the trust in God.
Human Being: The nature of human being is such that he/she forgives sometimes. If he/she were to forgive always, his/her nature is equal to the nature of God as Holy Bible acclaims “God created man little less than Him”. As human as human being is, falls short of the ideal to forgive always due to the weakness of body and the clash of desires. Nature: The nature of Nature is such that it never forgives. For example while going on the road you hit a stone unnoticing. Does the stone forgive you? It cannot. The nature of Nature is programmed with such software, that it cannot resist without showing its revenge for the harm caused to it. To make you agree with me, the vast number of devastations that disturb the world like cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami bear witness to the fact that Nature never forgives.
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