Today the world of education has become an important aspect of life. All the children irrespective of their economic status receive an amount of education and moreover the parents are leaving no stone unturned to see that their children receive education from an early age. Why at all so much need for education in the 20th Century?
Education has two goals: 1) primary goal and 2) Secondary goal. The primary goal of education is survival.
According to me,
education is survival. Why is it so? After all human being has to live life and cannot do away with.
Education as survival is a more-refined way of living life with happiness. Even in the absence of education in the ancient times, human being knew how to survive. But what do I mean by education is a more refined way of living life? The present education as a business is producing the superficial individuals who are qualified only in their field. It also leads to a more sophisticated life.
The secondary goal of education is to achieve the primary goal with different means. In the process of living life, education has been viewed as a means to impart values, character of the child, maturity of mind, intellectual development of the child, and the development of the whole personality of the child.
However, education imparting from all that is said above, to an extent is an instrument in creating the world of peace and paves the way for the greater life filled happiness.
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