Human being is a historical being. None of us claim to be in existence without an historical element present in the veins. In other words, whether a human being wants or not becomes a part of history with existence. The moment something comes into existence it carries the history with it and in the moment of death it leaves the history back in the world.
Why History is so important? Life is a process comprising of all living beings. What do I mean? Birth and death occur eternally again and again. There is no end to the process of life. In this sense, life is a gradual climbing. It is a climbing from what we are not to what we are and what we will be. All that happened paves the path for the future to live the present authentically with hope. In other words, the present as it is evolved from the past and the present in its entirety can be known with its connection with the past. The moment we cut ourselves from the history, human being maps his downfall and collapse.
The history demands that human being is prudent as to what to take and what not to take. History as it evolved can be seen from two view points: False History and Authentic History. The former is a history that paved way for the downfall of man due to evil, world wars, iniquity, wickedness, crime and the latter is a history that paved way for the emergence and up rise of man due to its source of inspiration for the future. A perfect epitome of History (false and authentic) would be that of Gandhi and Blagangadhar Tilak. In the struggle for achieving freedom, Gandhi wanted to achieve through Non-violence and Tilak through Violence.
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