In the world of today, divorce, double life, unfaithfulness, broken relationships are common phenomenon. It is because fundamentally there is no reconciliation. Each human being desires to be superior over the other and dominate the other. Consequently, it results in dislike, disgust, and hatred. The relationship of any sought may it be between husband and wife, two friends, parents and child, student and teacher have become fragile and weak. Life is taken casually: if not with this human being, I can relate with another human being. The relationships of today are on the basis of trial and error method. The present day relationships are as simple as that method. How long can humanity go on in this way?

The worth watchable movie, ‘
Fire Proof’ is all about building relationships on love. Love should be the ultimate ground of relationship. Love has no choice. It is boundless and infinite even if the other person hates and rejects you. Love does not heed to the image of the person but to the self of the person. Life is not about breaking but making, not collapsing but creating, not destroying but building in spite of struggles, hurdles and obstacles in love. Choosing this kind of path is really risky and challenging but it will create a person, it will make a human being. Life is generous giving of time, energy and space to others to touch and be touched by. Love touches. Love Heals. Love Creates. The movie ends inviting everyone to become symbols of ‘LOVE’.
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