The great Italian educator of 19th century Don Bosco advised one of his benefactress saying thus, ‘If you want to be happy in life, Be healthy (Sana), Be Wise (Sapiente), Be Holy (Sancta). This isthe triple principle of holistic life.
Human being desires to posses more, have more, live more. This desire for ‘more’ reaches highest fulfillment in holistic life. The holistic life is when human being takes seriously the life on earth that is life of here and now seriously, namely Physical Body, Mental Mind and Spiritual Self. They are powerful in as much as they achieve communion and integration in human life.

Be Wise: Every human being is gifted with practical wisdom that is common sense. It is a gift. He/she lives in the world and develops the mind building on the common sense. Human being needs to prudent in the accomplishment of various projects that life has for each one.
Be Holy: Whatever one’s religion may be, the vocation of human being is to be Holy. Holiness is not only spending time with God in prayer but also engaging in the activities of charity and love. A holy person is the perfect blending of strength and weakness. He/she knows how to balance in life that is avoiding both the extremes.
The words of Don Bosco, Sana, Sapiente, Sancta is a universal call to live a life of wholeness.
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