Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Human Body

            Every human being is gifted with a body to be in the world. Body is a means to be present to the world and to others. It is presence of body that make others realize that such and such being is Anil and not animal or Anil is human being.
            Body is not just flesh, blood, bones, muscles but it is more than all these. It is the seat of intentionality that is it through the help of the body that one is able to intend and create a world of his/her own. It is an expressive unity which it has both existence and essence at once and there is no dichotomy. In other words, body not only makes someone exist in the world but helps somebody to become ongoingly what he/she is potential of.
            Body is the epicenter of communication. It is with body that each one communicates to the other one’s happiness, sorrow, joy, love, hate and so on. Thus, body is the horizon of every experience and it is foundation of all thought.  At last, Human body is physical. It is given. It should not be seen as obstacle to reach the ultimate but must be seen as a means to reach ultimate goal of life.

Going-Above, Going-Across and Going-Down

            Human being is born in the world. Life is given to human being. It depends on each human being to further and enhance life by committing to the responsibilities. The fulfillment of responsibilities demands that every human should cultivate three types of relationship: Going-Above (God), Going-Across (Others) and Going-Down (Self).
Going-Above (God): The human life on earth is an invitation to remind every human being that there is Somebody above humanity. It is in relationship with him that human being becomes truly what he/she ought to become. The relationship with Him is facilitated through prayer, acts of charity, conversion, repentance.
Going-Across (Others): Human being is not alone in this universe. He is always with somebody in the society. It calls for dependence with other human beings. It is a dependence that gives meaning to life. The relationship with the others is furthered by acts of love, solidarity, oneness, sensitivity, compassion.
Going-Down (Self): The human being cannot have a healthy relationship with God and other unless he/she cultivates a strong love for one’s own self. It is the greater task and this relationship reflects who actually one is. The relationship with the self is enhanced by taking care of the body, loving self inspite of weakness, acceptance of the self. 

Is There God?

            It is a question that human beings confront in grievous situations of life. It is a question that arises when evil happens rampantly. For example, Why God allows rapes and murders? Why God allows criminals go free? Why there are fights between religions which take away the lives of millions of innocent people? Why God allows millions of people go hungry? Why God permit corruption? Why God sanctions children on the streets? Is God blind? Deaf? Weak? Loveless? Why God who knows everything, still allows them to happen? Why? Why? Human being will never understand the mystery why God does not intervene and stop all the evils in the society?
God is There. Yes. He knows everything through and through. God became weak by making human being in his image and likeness. Thus, He does not intervene in every action of human being because He gifted every human being with precious gift of freedom. Due to ignorance, people misuse freedom for their own selfish ends and cause damage to the lives of other people. Thus, human being becomes enemy of human being. It is not God who allows every evil in the society. But, it is human being who constructs the society with the help of freedom or destroys the society with misuse of freedom. The choice is in the hands of human being to become authentic or inauthentic. God Sees but Waits. 

Context Creates Human Being

Human being lives in the society. Living in the society presupposes that he/she always lives with others. Living with others is an assortment of events. The events happen always in a context. Thus, human life cannot be separated from the context. Human life is shaped to the extent one roots oneself in the context.
            Human being learns to grow out of events that occur in his/her life. Whether one is in favour of it or not, events affect human life and context determines the events. If human being comes from a context where pleasure is valued, no matter where he/she is, always values pleasure. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dare to Become

Existence and Essence are two dimensions of all realities in the universe. Any being in the world, for the development, undergoes a change. A change is necessary to any being in the universe. Consequently, change is part of nature that is our possibility to be.
The world is full of realities. Many realities exist but don’t become unless something acts on it. For example a stone remains a stone unless somebody acts on it and makes it a beautiful statue. But, it is not aware of its becoming. Some other realities exist and by their nature become. For example a plant constantly and continuously becomes but it too is unaware of its becoming. It is only human beings who exist and become. They have power and capacity to be aware of their becoming. Thus, the greatness of human being consists in the constant becoming for the emergence of authentic self.