Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Philosophy of Renovation

            Renovation is building the Building. What do I mean? In simple words, renovation is modifying a monument or building that already exists. If what already exists is destroyed, and something new is built, it becomes a construction and not renovation. For example, a building is built in 19th century and had become old.A floor with stones needs to be changed to floor with tiles. So, the new tiles are placed on the floor. It is at the same time new and at the same time old in as much the old stones were removed and new tiles were placed.
            In the same way, human being from time to time needs renovation of the self. The renovation of the self is a call to build the new self on the old self. In other words, it is being modern at the same time being faithful to tradition. The renovation also calls for destroying what distances the self from being human and put on the self that makes self a Human Being.   

Urgent and Important

Human life is characterized by freedom for choice and decision. Every human being out of his/her freedom chooses to be such and such. Human being in order to become an authentic and genuine being, and to become a person of responsibility, carries out different activities. These activities, when carried out with diligence manifest who a person is.
            The activities of human beings are of two fold: the Urgent and the important activities. Most often, human beings carry out what is urgent and forget to carry out what is important. It is because of the human incapacity to distinguish that, what is urgent is may not be important and that what is important is urgent.
Needs attention but not important
To be attended and are urgent
They are of Value
They are of Full Value
Ex: Relaxation due to heavy mental work
Ex: To appear for examination

Recharge with Prayer

            In the present digital world, with the developed means of technology and especially with the emergence of Cell Phone, “recharge” has become a dictum of every person who uses a cell phone. What is Recharge? In simple words, it means to charge again, so that whatever is charged will be useful and beneficial. For example when I recharge, I can call people, send message, use internet and so on. The more you charge, the more time and the less you charge, the less time
            The life of present day human being is characterized by work, work, and work. The sole purpose of work is to earn money and money whether it is to look after family, education of children, and whatever. This attitude of ‘always work’ gives rise to stress, boredom and especially to monotony. In order to relax the busy life and the mind, each human being needs to turn to God to recharge him/her self. To be an effective worker in the corporate world, it is necessary to recharge oneself with prayer. All the great people such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammad from time to time spend qualitative time with God and recharged themselves for the effective ministry.
            It is good to remember that, “the more time with God, the more charged we will become, the less time with God, the charged we will be.”

Unknown Love

            Journey to a destination is manifestation of unknown love of travelers whom the traveler meets in the journey. It is also meeting of unknown people who disappear into the darkness of life. On 7th June, 2011, I was travelling in Train towards Nasik. To my surprise, my berth was occupied by a family consisting of Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law requested me whether I could give my lower berth to her Mother-in-law and occupy her upper berth. My answer was simply ‘No’.
            As train journey started, I began a conversation with the old lady. In course of our conversation, I came to know her fully. I was able to notice in her face a certain amount fatigue and tiredness. As she was unable to sleep on upper berth, I told her with courtesy to occupy my berth. Soon, she began sleeping. Even before I gave berth to her, she was so loving, caring and concerning about my journey. She immediately made me to remember my own mother. Till her destination, she continued to pour her love and concern on me.
            What else is greater than that someone made you to remember your own mother!!!!!!!!!

God’s Love

            I am a student of Philosophy. As part of my academic requirement, I am supposed to write a dissertation. For my dissertation, I chose a French Philosopher whose name is Jacques Derrida. The movie on ‘Derrida’ was released in 2003. So, I was desperately searching for this movie in Indian Market. But all my effort was in vain.
            Suddenly, I remembered my former principal who is in Europe. So, I requested him to search for that movie in Europe. He readily accepted. But after a couple of days, he informed that he was also unsuccessful in obtaining the movie. The result is I gave up searching for the movie.
            While I was in Hyderabad for my holidays, I happened to meet a person whom God had sent to fulfill my desire of obtaining the movie. Immediately, I requested her to get the movie. She readily and willing accepted. At that moment of her ‘Yes’, I was able to presume that I will surely obtain the movie. To my surprise and shock, I got it…
            I believe that love of God is manifested in variety of ways, which are unknown, but I firmly believe, his manifestation of love is already planned. It is only executed by right people, at the right time and at the right place. Is not this a sign of God’s love through persons?

Creative Leaving

            Most often, Human beings live life as others live. Seldom, human being decides to live life solely, independently, newly and creatively. Perhaps, the motivation to live life newly and creatively is the Creative Leaving.
            Creative Life flows from the heart of human being. The pre-requisite for this is to live life by Conscience rather than by mind. It is not an easy task but it is a task that involves risk, challenge and hard work. But it is for sure leads you to happiness all life long.
            Creative living calls for living imaginatively, originally and innovatively inventing the life situations every time a new. It is not taking side with the world but choosing a side that the world can follow. For example: The world goes by the logic of loving those who love you. But the logic of creative living person should choose to love even those who don’t love him. It is committing oneself to an action that nobody dares to do. It is the KICK for Creative Leaving. In other words, the risk and challenge give Kick to creative leaving.