Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is There God?

            It is a question that human beings confront in grievous situations of life. It is a question that arises when evil happens rampantly. For example, Why God allows rapes and murders? Why God allows criminals go free? Why there are fights between religions which take away the lives of millions of innocent people? Why God allows millions of people go hungry? Why God permit corruption? Why God sanctions children on the streets? Is God blind? Deaf? Weak? Loveless? Why God who knows everything, still allows them to happen? Why? Why? Human being will never understand the mystery why God does not intervene and stop all the evils in the society?
God is There. Yes. He knows everything through and through. God became weak by making human being in his image and likeness. Thus, He does not intervene in every action of human being because He gifted every human being with precious gift of freedom. Due to ignorance, people misuse freedom for their own selfish ends and cause damage to the lives of other people. Thus, human being becomes enemy of human being. It is not God who allows every evil in the society. But, it is human being who constructs the society with the help of freedom or destroys the society with misuse of freedom. The choice is in the hands of human being to become authentic or inauthentic. God Sees but Waits. 

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