God remains a God whether human being interprets him or not, but interestingly, God is God in spite of and through interpretation. As human being evolves in the world, human understanding of God evolves accordingly. Some may affirm today God as father and tomorrow God as the object in the hand of human being. It is a view that a particular person holds. For example, Feuerbach holds a view that God can be reduced to human being, Nietzsche proclaims the death of God because values which support God are devaluated, for Marx classless society becomes God, for Camus God is an absurd reality, Satre admits human being’s hunger for God as the useless passion and for Merleau-Ponty if God is dismissed, human being is liberated and in the presence of God human being’s liberty is destroyed. All these are only views that each of them has for God. They are not ultimate answers, but different understandings of God that prove God is viewed, differently from one human being to another. Above all God is an unchangeable change. His essence is not changed with the human interpretation but it is the human understanding of God that has evolved and not God.
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