Responsibility and Right
Battle, war, fight, hostility and encounter are very common and take place between countries, cultures, communities and individuals for the possession of rights to have ascendency and supremacy. In the history of the world, it has never occurred a war or fight for the fulfillment of Responsibilities. In simple words, people always fight for their rights and not for their responsibilities. Rights are the property of a person who fulfils his responsibilities with diligence for the smooth running of the society, country, culture, and community. He/she has no right to claim for his/her rights when one fails to fulfill the responsibility.
On this regard, there are four types of people; 1) Selfish: The selfish people always with the self fighting for their rights without fulfilling their responsibilities. They don’t contribute anything to the society in which they live. 2) Generous: The generous people always move out of themselves and fulfill their responsibilities accurately 3) Selfish-generous: The Selfish-generous people fulfill their responsibilities only when their rights are assured. 4) Generous-selfish: The Generous-selfish people fulfill their responsibilities and at the same time they don’t give up their rights. A genuine person fulfills his responsibility always and at any cost.
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