Space for God
Every living being in the universe and more so human being longs to be always happy. Although life is mixture of both sadness and happiness, all the beings choose happiness. The happiness according to me is from two points of view: Material happiness and immaterial happiness. Material happiness is a happiness that people derive from the things of the material world as for example, by eating good food, by possessing golden ornaments. The material happiness can be endless but it is only transitory. It is like thunder come and gone and does not give inner satisfaction. Immaterial happiness is a happiness that people derive from spiritual world. It is so to say an inner happiness. Human beings irrespective of what religion he/she may be, finds satisfaction and contentment when he/she makes space for God.
What does it mean to make space for God? According to me, it implies four characteristics: 1) Make it a habit to give everyday your quality time to God no matter what you do and how busy you are. 2) Make Space for your neighbour. (It may be in the form of spending your time, energy, talent for the good of the other; doing charitable works; and son on. 3) Doing what you are supposed to do with whole heart and mind 4) the habit of cultivating right motives for every action you do. Apart from God, you and I can do nothing.
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