The entire cosmos, designed by God, is overflowing with multiplicity of living beings. Among all the living beings, human being is the sole being to be in the world of perpetual journey of discovering new horizon o f every reality. Every human being, from arrival in life to departure to death, from dawn to dusk, from infancy to old age, has new horizons to discover and to unfold. He/she is in potency to discover and unfold new horizons only when he/she breaks out of the shell of world in language.
Language originated as a process of communication and triggered of the process of socialization and civilization collapsing the borders between cultural and social aspects. Actually speaking, human being is a complete human being through language. Language purifies every thought of human being and it in turn shapes the world of human being. Language, the part of every being, that moves with human being to move and able the human being towards new horizon, new life, new existence, new relationship and new understanding enveloped with authenticity. There is no rung of being in human being in which humans cannot find language.
Human beings are in world precisely of a language. Human being has the world and knows the world in as much as he/she has language. Since the starting of the human origins, language is with human being and guided, molded and shaped the journey of human being in accomplishing the task of authenticity. As a human being in the world, the task is to unfold every reality, he/she encounters into the fullness of its essence in and through language, the only medium between reality and human being, to become Total Authentic Person, which is alone God.
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