The only thing needed to settle all conflicts is little common sense
- Not to Smile is a Sin
- Amidst the death of hope, start once more to live, start once more to walk
- Nothing comes by chance: you got to give your mind to it
- Endure it for an hour, and you have an age to live
- The only things needed to be successful in life are ignorance and confidence
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Gems to Live By- 1
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Importance of Being a Child
Even before Nehru, Jesus Christ loved children. In fact every human being is a child of God. Jesus said, “ Let the little Children come to me.” This day must be celebrated to bring the child within each one of us. Here are some inspiring thoughts that will makes us dear to children and at the same time brings out the child from inside us.
one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity
hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to
unlock that treasure. - Emma Goldman
best way to make children good is to make them happy. - Oscar WildeWe
cannot fashion our children after our desires,
we must have them and love them as God has given them to us. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
So long as little children are allowed to suffer, there is no true love in this
world. – IsadoraDuncan
A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities
of virtue and vice- but as yet unstained. - Lyman Abbott
A child miseducated is a child lost. - John F. Kennedy
A child miseducated is a child lost. - John F. Kennedy
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility
and the wings of independence.” - Denis Waitley
Monday, September 17, 2012
Ideas on IDEA
word idea in simple words means a dark image, a thought that is not clear; no certainty
in respect of the object intended by the idea, and it is not grounded and
unambiguous. The nature of idea is that it can be modified and given a new
shape. Thus, one idea leads to the birth of another idea. As a result, it
enriches the life of human being. Idea is never complete but there is always
something that can be added to make it rich. The essence of idea depends very
much on motivations and character of the content. In other words, idea has got
power to change life in its wholeness.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Became and Becoming
The two
words caught my attention as I was lecturing the students on the theme, ‘GOD’. According
to me, they are the two powerful words that can build or dismantle life,
construct or destroy life through situations.
Became: Became symbolizes the end of journey that is
it does not show anything beyond the horizon. For example, many a time I heard
people affirming themselves as, ‘I became a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer.’
These sentences as simple as they are, signify that people are not interested in
acquiring more and more. They are happy with what they are and what they have. In
other words, they consider themselves as finished products without waiting for
Becoming: Becoming signifies that life is a continuous
process of learning, realizing and becoming more and more. The person who is
becoming desires that there is more to life. In other words, there is no
full-stop but only commas to pause and play the game of life. They are happy
with themselves but they believe to go higher and higher in life. They see beyond
the horizon. They trust themselves and go AHEAD IN LIFE.
Kingdom of Necessity
is the mother of invention is an old saying that reflects very much the life of
authentic human being who desires to live an authentic life. The satisfaction
of one want leads to the birth of another want. Consequently, wants are never
satisfied. Needs are very few and they are according to the necessity. In the
kingdom of necessity, there is always a creation of human being where his
desires, motivations and aspirations are controlled and directed towards that
is good and beneficial. The characteristics of kingdom of necessity are: few
desires, satisfaction, happiness, contentment , peace and love. In other words,
it is a kingdom where things necessary are given importance, needs are
fulfilled and important events are accomplished.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Definitions Ever - 1
An Instinct of Heart
An Instinct of Mind
An Unasked gift and Unpayable debt
Try: Never Say No
Dare to say yes
An Opportunity to
grow more
An Opportunity to
realize that there is something more to conquer
Opportunity: A gift to unfold and use
it for betterment
Easy to imagine, Hard to achieve and effort will
make it possible
A Sacred waste of time with the Unknown yet known
person in life.
Litany of Don Bosco in Telugu- A Translation from English
ఏలినవార మా మీద దయచూపండి
క్రిస్తువ మా మీద దయచూపండి
ఏలినవార మా మీద దయచూపండి
క్రిస్తువ మా ప్రార్దన ఆలకించండి
క్రిస్తువ మా ప్రార్దన విననవదరించండి
మా మీద దయగానుందండి స్వామి
పరలోకమందున్న తండ్రిఐయిన సర్వేశ్వర
లోకమను రక్షించిన పుత్రుడైన సర్వేశ్వర
పవిత్రాత్మ సర్వేశ్వర
త్రిత్వేక సర్వేశ్వర
మా కొరకు వేడుకోనండి
నిష్కలంక సహాయమత
పవిత్రత్మచే రుపుదిద్దబడి నడిపింపబడిన డాన్ బోస్కోగార
మరియమాత పాటశాలలో తర్ఫిడుపోదిన డాన్ బోస్కోగార
ఎల్లవేళలా క్రీస్తు మార్గములో నడిచిన డాన్ బోస్కోగార
దైవప్రేమను యువకులకు చూపించిన డాన్ బోస్కోగార
నిత్య సహాయమత అపోస్తులుడైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
సహాయమత యడల భక్తిని పెంపోదించిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
తిరుసభ ప్రేమికుడైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ఎల్లపుడు పాపుగార్ల పట్ల సక్యత చూపిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
సలేసియన్, మరియమాత పుత్రికల మరియు సహాయకులసబాను స్థాపించిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
సలేసియన్ కుటుబమునకు ఆదర్శప్రాయమైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
యువకుల తండ్రి మరియు గురువైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
పేదయువకుల స్నేహితుడవైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
కార్మికయువకులను విముక్తిచేసిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
యువకులకు మంచికాపరివైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
వేదవ్యపకులకు స్పుర్తిదాతైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
యువకులకు పునీత మార్గాన్ని చూపించి, పునితులుగా తీర్చిదిద్దిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
అతిత పునితుడవైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
కష్టానికి మరియు కరుణకు మారుపేరైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ప్రార్ధనకు మరియు దైవఐక్యతకు మారుపేరైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
విద్యావేత్తలకు మరియు ఉపదేశకులకు ఉధహరనైయిన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ఆత్మీయ గురువులకు మరియు విద్యపకులకు ఆదర్శప్రాయమైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
మతసబ స్థాపకులకు స్పుర్తిదాతైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
పరిశుద్ద ప్రేమకు నిలయమైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ఉలాస ఉత్సాహమునకు నిలయమైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ప్రేమ మరియు దయ గుణములకు చిహ్నమైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ద్రుదవిస్వసము మరియు ఆసబవం కలిగిన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
పేద మరియు వినయశిలుడైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
మంచితనమునకు మారుపేరైన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
కృప మరియు కృషి సమిష్టితో నిండిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
అత్యంత మానవత్వముతో నిండిన పవన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ఎల్లవేళలా కాలమునకు అనుగుణముగా నడుచుకోనిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
దేవునిరాజ్యము కొరకు ఎల్లవేళలా కృషి సల్పిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ద్యనమును ఎల్లపుడు సేవలో కలిపినా డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
అద్భుతకర్యాలు చేసిన పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
దేవునియందు గొప్ప విశ్వాసము కలిగిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
యువకుల ఆత్మల రాక్షనయండు ఆసక్తి చూపిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
యువకులపట్ల అపారమైన ప్రేమతో రగిలింపబడిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ప్రసార సదనాములతో ప్రజలవద్దకు దేవుడిని తిసుకువచిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
యువకులకు సర్వస్వమును త్యాగముచేసిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
కలలను దేవుని మహిమతో నిజముచేసిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
సమయ సందర్బాలలో సరైన నిర్ణయాలతో ముందుకు నడిచిన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
దేవుని సేవకుడైన డాన్ బోస్కోగారా
ఓ దేవ! పునీత డాన్ బోస్కోగారిని యువకుల తండ్రిగా మరియు ప్రేమికునిగా
ప్రసాదించినందుకు మీకు వందనములు అర్పించుచున్నాము. డాన్ బోస్కోగారిల
ఎల్లపుడు అందుబాటులో ఉండి, వారిని దివ్యసప్రసదము మరియు పప్సంకిర్థానము
అను దేవద్రవ్యనుమనముల ద్వారా క్రిస్తుప్రబువాద్దకి నడిపించిడం, వారిలో
దేవమాత మీద భక్తిని పెంపోదించే బాగ్యాన్ని ప్రసాదించండి. అదే విదముగా
మేము డాన్ బోస్కోగారి బాటలో నడచి ఆ పునితుడిలగా మా జీవితాన్ని తోటివారికి
ముక్యుఅముగా యువకులకు సేవచేసే అదృష్టన్న్ని ప్రసాదించమని మా నాదుడైన
క్రిస్తుద్వార ఈ మనవి చేయుచునము. ఆమెన్
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Dream and Dare

1) Know: Know
the problems as well as solutions.
2) Respect: All
that is good. Never demoralized anybody
3) Trust: Trust
in yourself. Think that you can achieve, that you can dream and dare.
4) Go for the
Best: Never give up quality. It makes us stand in good stud. Have courage to
reject all that is not best.
Dream Bigger and
Dare it in Risk. Commitment must be deeper and effort must be greater. So, let
us become people who dream and dare, dare and dream always, all the time,
everywhere and forever.
Dare to Try
Don’t judge
those who try and fail but judge those who fail to try. Cardinal Newman once
said, “Until you try, you don’t know what you can’t do. Great men such as
Thomas Alva Edison, Abraham Lincoln were born out of trying than luck to the
best of their ability. Trials are lessons that teach us that we have not used possibilities
well presented to us. It gives an opportunity to make a correct choice where we
made a wrong choice. The moment we stop trying, we stop becoming fully realized
human being. Every thing in life is a test. Consequently, everything is a trial
that is we try, we fall, and we get up. A person who has never tried does not
know what really life is about.

Religion-Science Interaction
Albert Einstein, the great Scientist the world has ever produced,
has this to say on Religion and Science, “Science as a spiritual path, a way of
finding the secrets of the Old one.” Every advance in science must lead to the
spiritual knowledge of God. Science must help human beings to reach the
ultimate of our life.
is powerful autonomous structure created by man for his need to quench the
thirst for God and to find the God within. Therefore, religion became,
becomes and will become a tool in the hands of man to reach God. Science is the
powerful monster in the present world whose strength is benefit to humanity at
the same time also dangerous to humanity if not properly handled. I define
science as “A branch of human knowledge
that discovers new microcosms from the old microcosms through recycling the raw
material of God by the use of human practical intelligence.”
Relationship between Religion and Science
- Religion is being with God and Science is being with the World
- Religion Saves and Science Heals
- Religion is revolution of God and Science is the product of man
- Religion is God-centred and Science is World-centred
- Religion gives suffering then comfort and Science gives comfort then suffering
- Religion is qualitative transformation and Science is quantitative transformation
- Religion proposes Eternal Truth and Science proposes Generalized Truth
- Religion aims at transformation and Science aims at giving information
- Religion deals with spiritual realities and Science deals with material realities
- Religion is a tool to understand God and Science is a tool to understand Universe
- Religion is a progress of what went before, what is going on now and what will happen in the future and Science is only progress of what went before
- Religion is abode of peace, joy, and happiness and science is abode of fear
- Human being needs Religion and Science needs Human being
- Religion is capable of refining people and Science is capable of further refinement
- Religion builds up moral consciousness and Science builds up material consciousness
- Religion unites us to God and Science unites us to world
- Religion is Spiritual trouble-shooter and Science is Material trouble-shooter
- Religion is answer to many questions and Science is answer to many problems
- Religion is lived and Science is practiced
- Religion is the purpose to arrive at and Science is the goal to achieve
- Religion is always life-giver and Science life-taker
- Religion forgives and Science never forgives

In conclusion,
religion with its spiritual development and science with its scientific develop
must serve the world to have a better understanding of God’s purpose. They both
must make a journey from interdisciplinary to transdisciplinary to give
holistic formation through constant dialogue.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Dead Yesterdays, Born Todays and Unborn Tomorrows

Dead yesterdays
are the days passed in life. They never come back and end possibilities. To put
in the words of Martin Heidegger, “Death is not a transition from one mode of
life to another but the end of all possibilities to human being.” The dead
yesterday has no possibility to offer possibilities to human being. They are no
longer alive. They make up history. But, human being , thinking of dead
yesterday is devoid of living in the born today in its fullness. It is also
true and certain that the yesterday that is dead becomes the reason for today
to live life to the full in and through ordinary events of daily life.
Born today is
present at hand. It offers itself and strives to make human being authentic.
Heidegger’s Dasein gave me pure insight into the life of today. Dasein is a
being of today. It is the happening, being-in-the-world and also being here and
now. Existence of human being is defined by the possibilities or more clearly,
the projects undertaken for fulfilling the essence of human being. Today is the
fullness of life with both possibilities and actualities promised by Christ in
the gospel of St John,
“ I came to give life and life in fullness.” The human being must live today
with the experience of yesterday with an imagination towards tomorrow. The born
today sets us free from all the chains that tie human being.
Unborn tomorrow
is yet to be born or rather today is yet to give birth to tomorrow. Therefore,
there is no need of tension or worry as to what I will do next? It comes to us
in time and not out of time and as such no use of worrying about them. Jesus’
analogy of rich fool who by his pride dreamt of future to live merrily and
happily, was told, ‘you fool; you will die to night.’ They are undoubtedly full
of possibilities but leave every human being in uncertainty. They are
In conclusion,
human life is a transition from yesterday to today, from today to tomorrow. This
transition shapes and moulds human life. No human being is human being without
undergoing this transition, which is a road towards transformic authenticity.
St. Bernard speaking of the
great compassion of Mary towards humanity, the poor creatures says that she is
the land overflowing with milk and honey promised by God. Hence, St. Leo observes that the Blessed Virgin has so merciful
heart that she deserves not only to be called merciful but Mercy itself. St.
Bonaventure considering Mary says, “ O Lady when I behold thee, I can only
discern mercy, for thou was made mother of God for the wretched and thou was
entrusted with their charge, thou art all solicitude for them: thou art walled
in with mercy; thy only wish is to show it.

Sometimes perhaps we fear that Mary
does not see or does not feel for our necessities? She sees and feels them for
better than we do ourselves. St Antonuys says who can ever feel for us in our
miseries both corporal and spiritual like this woman, the most Blessed Virgin
Mary. So much so that there where she sees misery she cannot do otherwise than
instantly fly and relieve it with her tender compassion. Our good mother herself
protests that she will never cease to fulfil this office of mercy. Emperor
Tutus, the great was so desirious of rendering service to those who applied to
hem that when a day passed without his being able to grant a favour he used to
say with sorrow,’ I have spent the day without benefiting anyone. It is same
with our mother of compassion whenever we ask anything with a grateful heart,
she never denies and she is always ready to grant any grace.
Every human
being should have recourse to this compassionate mother and confidently hope
for salvation through her intercession for she according to the encouraging
assurance of Bernardino de Bustis, she is our salvation, our hope, our model,
our counsel, our life and our refuge.
I conclude with
the beautiful and tender exclamation of St Bonaventure, “O Clement, O Pious, and
O Sweet Virgin Mary. Mother Mary is clement with the miserable and
compassionate with those who pray to her.
Religion- the Raison D’ être of Humanity

Religion had its roots in the heart
of human being for ever-evolving and ever emerging desire to connect oneself to
God and thus becomes the founder of Relgion of God. Religion etymologically
derived from Greek word ‘Ligare’
means to bind together. It binds together ‘God
and Man’ collapsing the borders between Godliness
and Humanness when God took the form of human being and thus made everyone
a child of God giving an invitation to every human being to become God like
What is the reason for being a human
and not an animal? What is the reason for being a human and not a plant? Why
should one be human and not anything else in this entire macrocosm? All these
questions make us contemplate on the purpose of God in creating human being in
His own image and likeness. Everything has come into the world with a plan and
purpose designed by God. In this entire world only the human being has the
ability and desire to know God and His purpose. This is uniqueness of human
being because where as other beings do not long for this desire and they get
satisfied with instinct-fulfilment
and not bothering about their inner longing. Human being
Animals, plants and so many other
beings has life and grow physically, intellectually, psychologically,
emotionally but not having the capacity for spiritual life and expression. Thus,
they just remain ‘beings’ and not beings in the process of becoming. On the
other hand human being grows physically, intellectually, psychologically,
emotionally and also has capacity to feel and express him/herself fully and
because of this, he/she is not just being but a Transcendent Being in the
process of becoming. This aspect of human being is perfected in Religion in his
desire to quench the thirst for God. Therefore, religion became, becomes and
will become a tool, an instrument in the hands of man to reach God.
Religion becomes the Raison D’être of
When one thinks that religion
must exist for the purpose of transforming
and reconciling people
When one comes to awareness
that religion does not just exist but must
be lived in daily life
When one believes that one’s faith in God is sustained and increased only
through religion
When one knows that religion is
part and parcel of human life
When one accepts religion without eliminating it
When one recognizes that existence becomes meaningless without
When one allows oneself to be taught by religion
When one experiences life as religion and religion as life
When one looks at religion as the way to reach God
When one embraces religion to show love for people
When one adorns oneself with the values of religion to give God to Human
When one professes that religion is life-giver
In conclusion,
life is a gift and a vocation to human being from God and since it is a gift,
it must be handled with respect, care and in a responsible way to make our life
in turn an offering to God, an offering that life meaningful. This desire of
human being comes to fulfilment in Religion alone and one can offer his life
back to God through religion. Thus, offering this possibility to human being,
Religion becomes the Raison D’être of Humanity.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Dare to Know
It is a great dictum of great philosopher Immanuel Kant. Every human being desires to know. But, only few dare to know. What I mean? Our desire to know springs from what is already there that is readymade knowledge. In other words, this does not involve knowledge risk, adventure and exploration. Human desire to know is only information that is disseminated by different tools such as news paper, television, books, and internet and so on. It is mostly about what is happening in the world and to people at large. The greatest misfortune of human life is that he never desires to know about him/her self.
Sana+ Sapiente+ Sancta = Holistic Life
The great Italian educator of 19th century Don Bosco advised one of his benefactress saying thus, ‘If you want to be happy in life, Be healthy (Sana), Be Wise (Sapiente), Be Holy (Sancta). This isthe triple principle of holistic life.
Human being desires to posses more, have more, live more. This desire for ‘more’ reaches highest fulfillment in holistic life. The holistic life is when human being takes seriously the life on earth that is life of here and now seriously, namely Physical Body, Mental Mind and Spiritual Self. They are powerful in as much as they achieve communion and integration in human life.

Be Wise: Every human being is gifted with practical wisdom that is common sense. It is a gift. He/she lives in the world and develops the mind building on the common sense. Human being needs to prudent in the accomplishment of various projects that life has for each one.
Be Holy: Whatever one’s religion may be, the vocation of human being is to be Holy. Holiness is not only spending time with God in prayer but also engaging in the activities of charity and love. A holy person is the perfect blending of strength and weakness. He/she knows how to balance in life that is avoiding both the extremes.
The words of Don Bosco, Sana, Sapiente, Sancta is a universal call to live a life of wholeness.
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012
Human Dignity
Human life is a choice. The choice of life is to be with other human being. To be with the other is to respect the other as he/she is. To respect the other is to give the other his/her due in a proper measure. To give the other his/her due is a way to realize the worth and dignity of human being. To realize the dignity and worth of human being is show love and concern in unrestricted fashion. To show love and concern is to become the child of God. To become the child of God is to be the image of God to all.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Though I was Catholic, as a boy I always eagerly waited for the celebration of the feast of Ugadi. It is a feast that brought joy and happiness into my life before the end of the scholastic year.

On Ugadi day, people wake up before the break of dawn and take a head bath after which they decorate the entrance of their houses with fresh mango leaves. The celebration of Ugadi is marked by religious zeal and social merriment. People perform the ritualistic worship to God invoking his blessings before they start off with the New Year. They pray for their health, wealth and prosperity and success in business too. Ugadi is also the most auspicious time to start new ventures. Special dishes are prepared for the occasion. In Andhra Pradesh, eatables such as “pulihora”, “bobbatlu” and preparations made with raw mango go well with the occasion.

Ugadi pachchadi, a pickle is a dish that has become synonymous with Ugadi. It is made of new jaggery, raw mango pieces and neem flowers and new tamarind. It is a combination of sweet, sour and bitter tastes. It reminds us that life is a mixture of different experiences such as sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust and surprise, which should be accepted together and with equanimity through the New Year. The feast invites everyone to face both good and bad, happiness and sadness with grace. Welcome everything. Consider everything for one’s own good. This is the message of Ugadi.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Human Body
Every human being is gifted with a body to be in the world. Body is a means to be present to the world and to others. It is presence of body that make others realize that such and such being is Anil and not animal or Anil is human being.
Body is not just flesh, blood, bones, muscles but it is more than all these. It is the seat of intentionality that is it through the help of the body that one is able to intend and create a world of his/her own. It is an expressive unity which it has both existence and essence at once and there is no dichotomy. In other words, body not only makes someone exist in the world but helps somebody to become ongoingly what he/she is potential of.
Going-Above, Going-Across and Going-Down
Human being is born in the world. Life is given to human being. It depends on each human being to further and enhance life by committing to the responsibilities. The fulfillment of responsibilities demands that every human should cultivate three types of relationship: Going-Above (God), Going-Across (Others) and Going-Down (Self).
Going-Across (Others): Human being is not alone in this universe. He is always with somebody in the society. It calls for dependence with other human beings. It is a dependence that gives meaning to life. The relationship with the others is furthered by acts of love, solidarity, oneness, sensitivity, compassion.
Going-Down (Self): The human being cannot have a healthy relationship with God and other unless he/she cultivates a strong love for one’s own self. It is the greater task and this relationship reflects who actually one is. The relationship with the self is enhanced by taking care of the body, loving self inspite of weakness, acceptance of the self.
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