Sunday, February 20, 2011


            The world of today runs on education. The growing number of educational institutions and the desire of the parents to see that their children receive education and same too with the people who desire to make money out of education are all signs that education is necessary in the present world.
            The present educational system is happy in filling the mind of the child with the information and very little worried about the transformation of the child. The child is a better student because of and with his grade. The higher is the grade, the better is the student. It is preparing the students to get a job and to settle in life. The education has forgotten its aim of preparing the child to take up responsibility for the society, to work for the society and not to work in the society. It is teaching them to read the word and not the world behind the words, and to read the text but not the context behind the text. The education system has failed to instill in the students values of the subject and instead worried about teaching subject-matter. To give an example, the Mathematics teacher not only teaches to solve the mathematical sums but also gives a value that any wrong step in the attainment of the solution leads to wrong solution. The education is valid, when it imparts values and not when it judges the student on the basis of grade.   

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